Service Videos — TRS Services

Turbine Repair and Service Videos

These videos highlight several repairs and services that we offer here at TRS. In case you have missed them on LinkedIn, please take a look inside TRS.

To help support our repair and manufacturing services, TRS has in-house waterjet cutting capability. We can waterjet material up to 8” thick on our 10’ x 5’ table. One advantage of waterjet over other cutting methods is that there is no heat-affected zone. Take a look…

Removing a cowl cap from a liner body of a frame 6B DLN to perform repairs. Cowl caps are removed for ease of repairs to body and caps. Take a look…

TRS performs an incoming NDT (VPI) inspection on a set of F6B 1st Stage Shroud Blocks to identify indications, and then grinds the components to remove the cracks and prepare them for weld repair. Take a look…

Have you ever wanted to check out the inside of a blast house? We are doing some incoming grit blasting on engine ran 6B 1st stage buckets. Take a look…

Thermo couple guide tube inspection on a 6B 3rd stage nozzle. You want your temps to read correctly in the field, take a look…

When buckets or blades have suffered tip damage, tip restoration repair can be performed. Doing this repair allows customers to extend the life of their buckets or blades, improve turbine operating efficiency, and save money and lead time over new part purchases. Take a look…

Frame 6B 1st stage nozzle area checks completed. Take a look…

We utilize a trailing edge wishbone coupon when the original trailing edge on your nozzle segment is beyond repair. It replaces the damaged TE with new material to extend the life of the nozzle. Take a look …